The Paleotheria
Two Paleotheria. The taller, pointy-horned female is on the left, and the shorter, flat-horned male is on the right.

Two Paleotheria. The taller, pointy-horned female is on the left, and the shorter, flat-horned male is on the right.

The initial sketch.

The initial sketch.

The color flats.

The color flats.

The beginning of painting light.

The beginning of painting light.

The Paleotheria

Time span: 3 days. Full PDF can be found here:

This concept artwork depicts my original design for Paleotheria, a teifling-like species based off of Prolibytheria, an extinct ungulate. Prolibytheria were sexually dimorphic - females had slender pointed ossicones, and males had large flat ossicones. This inspired me to make a humanoid species based off of these types of ossicones. The pointed ossicones of females reminded me of a warrior's weapon, and the male's ossicones reminded me of butterfly wings. Thus, for this species, females are the larger and more powerful of the two, and use their horns in combat. Males are smaller and slighter, and have grown pretty fan-shaped horns due to sexual selective pressures from females.

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