MetaZoo Trading Cards - Animated Ad

The final 15 second ad. Character design, music, cards, and logo are property of MetaZoo.

Part one of the initial storyboard sketches.

Part one of the initial storyboard sketches.

Part two of the initial storyboard sketches.

Part two of the initial storyboard sketches.

A from-scratch recreation of the original watercolor illustration in Adobe Photoshop. The grain was reduced for the final.

A from-scratch recreation of the original watercolor illustration in Adobe Photoshop. The grain was reduced for the final.

The recreated digital image of the original analog illustration.

The recreated digital image of the original analog illustration.

The mothman illustration, expanded to show the 36 moving parts that the character has.

The mothman illustration, expanded to show the 36 moving parts that the character has.

The illustration rigged up in Adobe After Effects using Duik Bassel, ready to fly.

The illustration rigged up in Adobe After Effects using Duik Bassel, ready to fly.

MetaZoo Trading Cards - Animated Ad

Time span: 2 months

I was commissioned by MetaZoo games to make a 15 second animated YouTube ad for their trading card game, based around different types of cryptids.

I recreated the card illustration for one of MetaZoo's most central characters, mothman, from scratch for this animation - to have mobile pieces capable of being animated. The card illustrations are done in a watercolor and ink style, which I had to carefully recreate. The illustration I made was rigged using Duik Bassel in Adobe After Effects, and animated so that it swoops over a cityscape and so that several other iconic MetaZoo cards zoom in front of the camera.

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