Creature: Lambicorn
The finished piece.

The finished piece.

A line sketch.

A line sketch.

A very quick sketch on my phone, so I could remember the idea.

A very quick sketch on my phone, so I could remember the idea.

The original sign, for fruit-flavored water. The creature embodies strawberry and dragonfruit. This is chalk marker on black foamcore.

The original sign, for fruit-flavored water. The creature embodies strawberry and dragonfruit. This is chalk marker on black foamcore.

Creature: Lambicorn

This is a creature concept artwork based off of a lamb and unicorn creature I drew as promotional art for a fruit-flavored drink. The red and green-feathered tail, along with the seed-like dappling on the rump, represents the dragonfruit flavor, and the unicorn's horn is a strawberry. The final piece was used for a "Draw This in Your Style" challenge among friends.

The digital piece took about three hours, and the chalk piece one hour.

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